Ignitho Technologies

Intelligent Data Accelerator (IDA) for inhouse and External Media Agencies

Ignitho’s Intelligent Data Accelerator (IDA) for Media uses AI and dramatically reduces the time taken to process incoming campaigns, clickstream, and other data files by ~60%.

a 90 second demo of the IDA

IDA helps you manage changes to data sets and onboard new datasets/clients within hours instead of several weeks. Using a combination of AI models, the IDA accelerator:

The IDA can be deployed in as little as 60 days.

Discovery of incoming data sets and target schema, technology landscape

Testing of the AI models with masked data as needed

Technology integrations and configurations as determined based on your needs

User Acceptance QA, Training, and Deployment

Domain Specific AI Parser

The IDA comes bundled with predefined AI models that learn usage and are industry & domain specific.

IDA for Media does not rely on column headings or data descriptors. It can read the incoming data and automatically classify it.

This ensures that your incoming data processing is rapid and error free.

There is provision for visual human inspection and correction in case patterns change. The IDA shows probability of success and confidence levels making it easy to zoom into the potential problem areas and resolve them. The model learns from these corrections.

Learns Target Schema using AI

The IDA for media agencies uses predefined AI models that automatically learn the structure of your target database so that incoming datasets can be mapped to it. This avoids manual tagging and description of the data.

The IDA allows for the human element by providing visualizations and confidence projections so that the outcomes can be corrected as needed.

Once a schema has been finalized the rest of the process is fully automated and does not need manual intervention unless the destination database changes in structure.

Client or Business Unit Specific Processing

The IDA for media makes provision for the fact that the incoming data may belong to one or more external and internal clients.

As a result, you can maintain the highest level of client experience by being able to process campaign and clickstream data in different formats from different clients.

Customer Data Platform (CDP) Ready

As the adoption of CDP grows, the IDA is built to easily integrate with any CDP. This is made possible through industry standard data connectors.

Cloud Ready & Platform Agnostic

The IDA for Media can run in SaaS mode, on the cloud platform of your choice, or even on-premises. There are no deployment limitations.

Data connectors of your choice can be configured to be used eliminating any vendor lock in or new technology adoption.

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Technology Used

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