Ignitho Technologies

Success Stories

DevSecOps for a Leading Data Analytics Client

Business Need

Our client was looking to create security best practices throughout the solution delivery lifecycle. The increase in data and analytics needs was resulting in an increased use of multiple cloud platforms. Standard security practices and governance were needed to minimize the risks and impact of security breaches.

Technology Challenge

Our client was looking to create security best practices throughout the solution delivery lifecycle. The increase in data and analytics needs was resulting in an increased use of multiple cloud platforms. Standard security practices and governance were needed to minimize the risks and impact of security breaches.

In addition, as the security team at the client moved to develop cybersecurity measures beyond perimeter security, they were looking to rapidly develop standards, processes and tools that would keep application development and data movements compliant and secure.

Ignitho Solution & Approach

Working collaboratively with the client, the Ignitho team architected, designed, and provided implementation patterns of security controls throughout solution delivery lifecycle. We also integrated them into application & DevOps processes and CI/CD pipelines.

Ignitho also evaluated and on-boarded security tools such as RASP, WAF, SAST, vulnerability and open-source scanning into the Security DevOps life cycle for multiple tech stacks on multiple clouds. The team also created a risk analysis model and recommended lifecycle checkpoints for process monitoring through checklists.

Benefits Delivered

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