Ignitho Technologies

Success Stories

Increase Audience Personalization & Engagement for a Global Publishing House

Business Need

Our client is a prominent global media publisher. They were facing challenges with their digital infrastructure that controlled content distribution, audience personalization and attribution of affiliate revenue. As a result user experience and engagement was suffering.

Technology Challenge

The client was using legacy web content management systems that could not easily tackle the new media channels coming up. In addition, they needed to migrate their affiliate tracking software while maintaining some amount of parallel transition period. Changes were also needed to control the A/B testing of content so that the less performing version could be turned off quickly. Finally, they also needed to frequently change the design of their commerce cards and needed a team that could do it in a flex manner.

Ignitho Solution & Approach

In order to allow for better content management, we researched and proposed an architecture with headless CMS that can decouple the format from the content. This would allow the client to potentially transition off their legacy and custom coded content management systems to a more industry standard and flexible system. As a result, they would free up resources to focus on the business and customer experience, rather than enhancing systems that were not a business differentiator. It would also allow to tap into new channels such as the metaverse and gaming ecosystems.

We also created a roadmap and transition architecture for migrating the affiliate tracking systems. As an alternative option which was adopted, we provided an impact analysis for a big bang transition which showed that technology intervention will be minimal so it was the preferred approach. We also assisted with the design and UX changes for the commerce cards so that the client could be more agile and rely on the Ignitho pod to handle the capacity variations needed.

Benefits Delivered


.PHP, Google Cloud

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