Ignitho Technologies

Success Stories

E-commerce travel portal for a European tour company

Business Need

Being in one of the most competitive industry sectors, Alpeljo, a budding European Tour Company, wanted to establish itself as a unique holiday brand among its peers in the Travel & Tourism sector. With increasing demand for online bookings and tourism management, Alpeljo partnered with us to revamp their online presence and to make the website more attractive to customers while at the same time providing a user friendly experience.

Alpeljo, a European Tour Company, wanted to differentiate itself by providing an end to end holiday experience to its customers right from the time of booking right through the end of their holidays. This was made possible through our novel ideas incorporated into their refurbished website giving the end customers a seamless and enjoyable experience.

Ignitho’s Solution

As a thought leader, we helped Alpeljo in identifying the right strategy in terms of enhancing Alpeljo’s online presence. Based on our understanding of their business model, it was advisable to design and develop an online suite that would enable Alpeljo’s customers to book hotel rooms online well in advance. Our Online Booking Suite, with its unique features, enabled Alpeljo’s customers to not only compare multiple hotel rooms across different locations, but also advised customers of the best possible option in terms of value for money.

Through our Online Booking Portal, customers could view hotel room availability over a wide range of dates and also plan short off-season breaks as per their convenience. Moreover, customers were able to view multiple properties at the same time thereby assisting them to make informed decisions. Using the online payment system Paypal, a preferred choice for most of the customers, users could easily process their payment transactions without compromising on security.

Benefits Delivered

The solution enabled Alpeljo to improve overall customer experience and attract new customers to the website. The fact that more than 25 online tour bookings were made within the first 2 weeks of the launch of the new website is a testimony to the successful implementation of our solution. Alpeljo was able to store valuable customer information and thereby improve their customer service accordingly.

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