Ignitho Technologies

Success Stories

Strategic IT partner for a niche Asset Management Firm in the UK

Development & maintenance of a Scalable white-labelled investment platform for web and mobile.

Business Need

The client is a niche asset management firm in the UK. The firm focuses on high net worth individuals, assisting them in investment opportunities in emerging markets ensuring the best ROI. The client realised their current model, which was best in class in using expensive, personalised account managers to discuss investment opportunities with high net worth individuals, was not attuned to individuals who were looking at a small to medium quantum of investment. The client was losing business and revenue from these investors, as there were no available products in the market that could cater to such requirements. To address this issue, the client was keen to explore online technologies as an alternate solution which could cater to smaller investors.

The client was looking for an online solution, which would connect smaller investors with new investment opportunities, as well as help them manage and track their investments on an ongoing basis. The client believed that a self-help, online solution of this nature would be a disruptive approach to the fast-growing and evolving Crowd Funding space, in the form of a self-help solution. Based on initial success, they were keen to scale the solution further, as well as extend it to their other business areas and markets in the group.

In essence, the client was looking for a rapid application development MVP approach to deliver quick results on a limited budget, built in a way that could successfully scale in future phases.

Ignitho’s Solution

The client understood early on that they did not have the in-house competencies to effectively structure and manage this disruptive end-to-end programme of work. Ignitho assisted the client, right from defining appropriate business and technology outcomes, to structuring and delivering a self-help solution on a limited budget, to eventually working with key stakeholders to implement the solution and deliver a solid return on investment. Ignitho was able to bring together a cost-effective solution, which would include suitably skilled professionals at the right place at the right time, who could work as “One Team” with the client across diverse global locations, building on a Frugal Innovation Methodology – “the ability to do more (and better) with less”.

Ignitho worked with the client to ensure Rapid Application Development of the proposed solution, which allowed the client to start small and deliver quick outcomes on limited budgets for both the web and mobile platforms. Ignitho’s Distributed Agile Software Development model, ensured that the client had all the benefits of a global delivery model leveraging both onsite and offshore advantages.

Ignitho worked with the client to understand their target audience and planned the design of the proposed solution which could cater to multiple market segments the client was invested in. To achieve this scalability and a secure, easy and fast funding process, we suggested building the solution on a cutting-edge, scalable and a faster technology for a hassle-free transaction process.

The cutting-edge, scalable and faster technologies like Node and Angular were chosen to mitigate the risk of huge ongoing licence fees, while still providing the investor with the ability to connect with potential investment opportunities in the most effective, highly streamlined and secure manner. We also developed a set of custom APIs for integrating the solution with the iOS and Android platforms as well. This ensured that the client’s customer base would be able to continuously monitor and improve their investment opportunities and ROI utilising the mobile version of the application.

Benefits Delivered

The web application developed by Ignitho allowed the investors a real-time view to monitor and track their investment, while the mobile self-help version allowed them to track their investments even on the go. The success of this crowd investment solution further encouraged the client to apply the online solution to an entirely different business segment in the group, which focused on investment opportunities in prime UK real estate. Due to its scalable architecture, the client was able to customise the solution for this new need in quick turnaround time and showcase a working prototype at a large UK property investment expo.

Ignitho partnered with the client on their business problem and worked towards an outcome based solution, structured using the frugal approach – “the ability to do more with less” – and now continues to partner with the client for ongoing monitoring, improvements, development, integration and delivery on limited budgets.

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