Ignitho Technologies

Thought Leadership From Industry Peers

Improving Data Governance with MS Purview to Deliver Better AI

Ashin Antony Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Ignitho Technologies
MS Azure Purview Governance

Every large enterprise faces tremendous challenges with management of data, maintaining compliance, and identifying the sources of truth for better business performance. Often, it is not feasible to store and manage everything centrally as the application portfolio evolves constantly and business moves at different speeds across the enterprise. Entropy is real and a very good thing to have.

So, in this blog I wanted to introduce a solution from Microsoft to address this need. Microsoft Purview is a comprehensive solution to help us deliver a bird’s eye view of data across the enterprise.

Create unified data maps across a diverse portfolio

Microsoft Purview allows us to create integrations with on-premises, cloud, and different SaaS (Software as a Service) applications in your portfolio. All we need to do is to set up the right integrations with the right authentication & authorization. Purview does the rest. The data can then be classified using custom or predefined classifiers.

This is an especially useful exercise to understand how data is fragmented and stored across multiple systems. As we map out sensitive data elements, it then becomes easier to identify sensitive data. This identification has many real-world use cases including:

  1. Compliance with data privacy and masking rules
  2. Regulations around data domicile
  3. Compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

In almost any enterprise technology transformation program, the importance of identifying the golden source of data becomes critical. Often, these data mappings are kept in offline documents and sometimes even as latent knowledge in our minds. However, as the application portfolio evolves, this becomes incredibly difficult to manage.

A solution such as Microsoft Purview provides immense benefits in providing a simpler way to manage data lineage and discoverability. The ability to use business friendly names allows even business users to search and determine where data elements are located and how they are flowing.

In addition, technology impact analysis becomes much easier when we know how a change can affect the data map.

Microsoft Purview also has a feature for data sharing. If that is feasible with your implementation, then that is an excellent mechanism to share data between organizations and maintain the data lineage visibility.

AI & Analytics Improvements

It is well known that almost 50-70% of the effort in a typical AI program is spent on aggregating, reconciling, and cleaning up data.

Adopting Microsoft Purview helps reduce the source of these complex and time-consuming issues to a greater extent. Data pipelines are easier to examine, refine and build if we can be sure of the data lineage, systems of record, and the sensitivity of data. And the resulting aggregation is more usable with higher data quality. We can also better avoid inadvertent compliance breaches as we ingest the data for our analytical models. As the need for AI increases, and as teams of data scientists change frequently, a systematic solution becomes important.

The sharing feature of Microsoft Purview can also be used to aggregate data that can be used for analytics. Potentially this can transform the way we have traditionally thought about data aggregation and integration into destination data stores.

Next steps

I hope I was able to bring out the benefits of using Microsoft Purview clearly.

  1. Visibility into data across your digital real estate
  2. Mitigates compliance risks
  3. Accelerates the ROI (return on investment from AI and analytics programs

That said, it is a subscription service from Microsoft so the right business case and use cases should be built before adoption. In addition, like with any new initiative, there are many topics such as security, collections hierarchy, authorization, automation etc. that merit a deep dive before adoption.

If you want to explore data governance and Microsoft Purview further, please get in touch for a discovery session.

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Ashin Antony Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Ignitho Technologies
Ashin brings to Ignitho two decades of technology leadership experience and was with Mindtree for close to a decade playing key tech leadership roles. His areas of specialization include Big Data, Cloud and Emerging Technologies; with expertise in designing and implementing digital enterprise solutions. Ashin is driving Ignitho’s Data, Cloud and Digital Engineering areas. He is also a business partner and is part of the core leadership team at Nuivio Ventures, Ignitho’s parent company.
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